Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Fun

Do not let your balls touch or get rammed against the wall:


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby-proofing your computer

When your kids start to get interested in playing with your computer, most likely the first things they know how to do are to delete your files, renaming things, and moving your most important files into the most obscure places. Try installing Baby Smash.

"As babies smash on the keyboard, colored shapes, letters and numbers appear on the screen. Baby Smash will lock out the Windows Key, as well as Ctrl-Esc and Alt-Tab so your baby can't get out of the application. Pressing ALT-F4 will exit the application and Shift-Ctrl-Alt-O brings up the options dialog."

Hopefully, junior will not learn to press ALT-F4 very quickly.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Caffeine Click Test

Check how caffeinated you are right now:

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou

Concept Cars

In this list of 10 craziest concept cars, you will find this interesting car by Chinese automaker Tang Hua. It is shaped to be very aerodynamic. Umm...yeah. Does anyone see similarities to TV Funhouse's Ambiguously Gay Duo's car?

The Ten Craziest Concept Cars Of All Time

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Getting Drunk on Bar-B-Q sauce

A store in Britain refuses to sell barbecue sauce that contained a small amount of alcohol to a 25 year old customer because she can't prove her age. They even refused to sell it to her 27 year old brother in law who could prove his age because they believed he would just give the bottle to her:

Tesco refuses to sell BBQ sauce to woman without ID

I am guessing that you will have to down a couple of Costco sized bottles of this stuff before you can get a buzz off of it. I love barbecue sauce, but I don't know anyone who loves it that much to down bulk sized bottles of it.

Condiment Gun

It is not the ketchup and mustard together in a squeeze bottle that Kramerica is developing, but it is a pretty good dispensing idea for condiments.
I wonder if there is one for salsa?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Tropic of Cancer

Henry Miller on New York:

I would not return his book back to the library either.