Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top Of The Muffin To You

There is a movement of muffin bottoms seeking equality with muffin tops! CRUMB, the Coalition of Really United Muffin Bottoms, is protesting against Bloom's muffin tops. Isn't the top part of the muffin the best part?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina!

Yes, the funny facts that kids can tell you about the human body. But do you know why men have nipples? Here are a bunch of questions to prepare you when they ask about the human body:

Eight Questions About the Human Body That Kids Always Ask

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Plastic Wrapped Furniture

What is it about Chinese people that they feel the need to wrap everything in plastic?
We buy things that are wrapped in plastic and cardboard only to take them out and rewrap them in more plastic? It all seems counter intuitive to me. Century year old egg, thousand year old monkey brain, ginseng candy from the Ming Dynasty, okay I get it, we love old things. So you take one great love of old things sprinkled with an element of preservation to the equation and voila, you get plastic wrapped remote controls and furniture. So 20 years from now you’ll have a beautiful floral patterned couch that is practically brand new, only it’s old, 2 decades old. Maybe it’s meant to be passed down to the next generation much like a wedding dress or ring? Come to think of it, I’ve love for one of my sons to have that 200 watt Citizen microwave one day. Now if only I can find more plastic wrap….

Are they running out of ideas in Hollywood?

Poor Arnie, they are going to be remaking Red Sonja and Conan the Barbarian. Here is a list of other movies they are remaking, including rap like Fame and Short Circuit. Do we really need a remake of Footloose?

38 Planned Movie Remakes You Didn't Know About

Wasn't Rambo 4 enough? All of these sequels are making me shake my head. Alvin & The Chipmunks 2? Was the original movie that successful to qualify it for a sequel?

28 Sequels Later: more films you didn't know were coming

I would love to see Hollywood make Rochelle Rochelle, Chunnel, Prognosis Negative, or even Sack Lunch one of these days.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Junior Mints

Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious. How many of you remember this line whenever you see a box a Junior Mints? I do, and I have been buying Junior Mints ever since. But did you know that Seinfeld was turned down by M&M's and Lifesavers for this product placement? Here is a list of the top 10 Product Placements:

The Stories Behind 10 Famous Product Placements

And yes, there is a real J. Peterman. When his catalog was introduced on Seinfeld, he saw sales sky rocket! Then, he started to open several retail with the growth, but he had to file for bankruptcy and sold the brand name. With the help of John O'Hurley, the guy who played J. Peterman, and some people from the original company, he was able to buy back the name and relaunch the company. You can still get stuff from the J. Peterman Company.

Common Sayings

What does "Dead Ringer" mean? Where did the phrase "'By the Short Hairs" come from?

Here's an article on the findings of several common sayings over the years. Some of the results are interesting:

The Bizarre History of 10 Common Sayings